
Support Our Charity

We would love for you to help support our charity work. Here are four main ways for you to get involved:

1. Support a family for just £25 a month.

We reject the traditional ‘Sponsor a Child’ programme as we believe a child should be with their family; singling out one child can be detrimental to his or her siblings and to the family dynamics. However, we know how important it is for the donor to feel connected and see the transformation in a child’s life. So, despite supporting the whole family, we send the sponsor a profile of a named child in the family. Then every year we send an updated photo, a card and a school report. Sponsorship is £25 a month and you can read more about how this works hereFollow this link to donate via Just Giving, and select the monthly option, or send us an email .

2.Donate Moneysupport our charity

Not everyone is able to or wants to give £25 a month; anything you give can help. We are committed to low overheads and getting as much money as possible to the children that need it most.

In the last four years, over 85% of money raised has gone to our work in Africa – follow this link to donate via Just Giving or email us about other ways you can support our charity.


Tushinde Children's Trust Charity3. Donate Time

Hold a bake sale or run a marathon, wash a car, or swim the Channel.

Whatever activity you chose, we’d love you to do it to support Tushinde. Get in touch to let us know about your plans and we will endeavour to support you as much as we can.


4. Donate Skillschildren mathare

Both in Kenya and the UK we are looking for professionals who can share their skills with our charity.

If you have skills to share with us which could be used to support our charity please get in touch. If you would like to help and let us know what you can do you can contact us here.

Copyright © Tushinde Children’s Trust | Registered Charity No. 1189460 (Charity Commission)

Email: [email protected] | Tel: +44 (0)1344 772700| Kempthorne, Mordaunt Drive, Crowthorne RG45 7QQ, UK

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